01 Jul Why Sugar Is Bad For You! Use Natural Xylitol Instead
Surprisingly enough we know that sugar is actually tied to diabetes, heart disease, obesity, hyperactivity, and even your own cavities. Sugar is in everything from the sauces you eat to the dressings that you put on your salad. Unfortunately we cannot escape it! We eat way too much sugar every day. The average American consumes a around 300 calories per day of sugar. And our kids are consuming even more! Listed below are 7 crazy reasons why sugar is bad for you and Why you should use natural Xylitol as a substitute :
Sugar is actually hidden in our food
The foods that you actually wouldn’t expect to have sugar, usually have surprisingly high amounts of sugar: tomato sauce, salad dressing, condiments, marinades, crackers, breads, and even that juice this is 100% all-natural.
Sugar Hides Bad Flavors
A lot of the foods that you see are labeled as “low fat” or “non-fat”. These foods are usually bland and starchy. When you add sugar it actually gives these foods a better flavor.
Sugar has secret names
Food industries often use codenames or secret names making you think that there is actually a lower sugar content. Some of the names that you need to lookout for are maltodextrin, high fructose corn syrup, and sorbitol. All of these names are actually sugar.
Brown-rice syrup
Corn sweetener
Corn syrup, or corn syrup solids
Cane Juice
Dehydrated cane juice
Fruit juice concentrate
High-fructose corn syrup
Invert sugar
Malt syrup
Maple syrup
Raw sugar
Rice Syrup
Sorghum or sorghum syrup
Turbinado Sugar
Sugar Will Make You Fat
This sounds so bizarre right? When you eat foods that are high in sugar they don’t make you feel full. Foods that make you feel full are foods that are high in protein, fiber, or fat. So when you eat more sugar this causes you to eat more and increases your calorie consumption. Many studies have shown that high sugar consumption we’ll raise your blood glucose and insulin levels and increase the probability of becoming obese, or even diabetic.
Sugar makes you look older
We all wish we could go back in time and look a little younger. One of the biggest things that’s causing us to age or look older is our intake of sugar. Sugar causes wrinkles and saggy skin.
In 2009 researchers found that high glucose consumptions or another words eating a lot of sugar accelerates the aging process. If you want to look younger eat less sugar!
Sugar Can Make You Sick
Have you wondered why your kids are constantly have a runny nose?
Fox News said, “One of the most common effects sugar can have on children are cold-like symptoms, said Dr. Julie L. Wei, a pediatric otolaryngologist at Nemours Children’s Hospital in Orlando, Fla. Wei said many of her patients complain of chronic runny noses, excessive mucus, cough and symptoms of sinus infections. Some kids are even diagnosed with allergies, without having any formal testing. They’re prescribed medication but their symptoms may actually be due to too much sugar.”
So in reality sugar does not make us all sick. But it can weaken our immune system.
Sugar can cause cancer
When your insulin levels have been increased this has been linked to be a contributor to cancer. Eating too much sugar can actually cause cancer.
Now that you have eliminated sugar from your diet I have a solution for you!
One of the big things you can do to become healthier and eat less sugar is use Lite & Sweet. Light & Sweet is a sugar alternative and is sugar free because unfortunately sugar is bad for you.