24 Mar 5 Tips To Make The Most Of Your Dentist Visit
Even though you may only see your dentist a couple times a year, it’s important to be prepared so you can get the biggest benefit of your time together. Here are some ways to prepare that will make your dentist happy at your next visit.
- Make a list of your questions. While you’ll probably remember the big ones, the smaller ones may slip your mind during an appointment. Bringing a list can help you make sure you get all the answers you need.
- Take notes. You may not remember everything your dentist tells you during your visit, so feel free to take notes. You can also ask your dentist to email you additional information after your visit.
- Be prepared to give honest answers. You may feel guilty for not flossing as often as you should, but honesty is the best policy. This will help your dentist make the best assessment of your oral health.
- Maintain your normal routine. When your appointment is just around the corner, don’t kick your tooth brushing into overdrive. Aggressive brushing can damage gums and tooth enamel.
- Share your dental history. Whether you’re seeing a new dentist or switching dental offices, bring your dental records or have them sent ahead of time. This helps your dentist get the full picture of your oral health.
When you make the most of every dental visit, it’s easier for your dentist to help you get the healthiest smile possible