
The nose and sinuses are designed to act as filters and form the first line of defense against airborne contaminants such as dust and other irritants.  Nasal and sinus cleansing has been used for millennia to keep these filters working as they should. 

Have you ever gone to bed feeling fine, only to wake up the next morning with a cold or sinus infection? This has probably happened to you more times than you can count. So why does this happen? How long does a cold or sinus infection......

A Good Night’s Sleep Your body functions on a sleep-wake cycle called the circadian rhythm. Staying in sync with this rhythm is vital to maintaining the overall health of the body, including mental health. Fail to maintain a proper sleep-wake cycle, and your immune system......

By Xlear Allergies, colds, the flu, and nasal congestion can be uncomfortable and hold you back from getting the most out of life. In order to alleviate symptoms, many people choose to use a nasal spray. When you’re looking for fast-acting relief, Xlear’s xylitol nasal spray......

It’s Allergy Season Every year, about fifty million people in the United States suffer from seasonal allergic rhinitis, otherwise known as hay fever. Allergens normally begin spreading throughout the country in the spring, when plants begin to release pollen; however, research is showing that allergy......

Breathing is such a basic function of life that we rarely pay attention to it. We know how essential it is, but did you know that poor breathing can affect you and your health in unexpected but significant ways?It’s National Diabetes Awareness Month, which helps......

Spring is just around the corner and allergy season is almost upon us. When you suffer from allergies symptoms, finding a reliable source of relief makes a world of difference. Rinsing the sinus passages is one of the most effective ways to find relief. Since......

When you suffer from allergy symptoms, finding a reliable source of relief makes a world of difference. Rinsing the sinus passages is one of the most effective ways to find relief. Since ancient times, people have used nasal washes to maintain upper respiratory health. Every......